Mosquito Control

Two of the most annoying and potentially dangerous mosquito species in Missouri are the Aedes Mosquito (commonly referred to as the Asian Tiger) and the Culex Mosquito. Mosquitoes are unpleasant and annoying. Their bite can cause skin irritation, red bumps, and itching due to an allergic reaction from the saliva they inject as they suck your blood. BUT, there can be a much more serious consequence from mosquito bites. Mosquitoes can transmit certain diseases such as Zika Virus, West Nile Virus, Heartworms, Malaria, Yellow Fever, Dengue Fever, and several forms of Encephalitis.
Reducing Mosquito populations is a multifaceted approach that requires mosquito control treatment spring through the fall.
⦁ We will first inspect your property to identify mosquito breeding sites. Since some species of mosquitoes can breed in as little as a ½ inch of water, we will locate and inform you of these areas so that they will remain free of standing water.
⦁ In areas that retain standing water such as lakes, ponds, ditches, and other areas that collect water that cannot be drained, larvicides will be used. These larvicides stop the larvae stage from maturing to biting adults.
⦁ We will implement mosquito control treatment approved by The World Health Organization during the season (April – October) by applying both an adulticide and IGR outdoors to breeding, resting, and foraging sites on your property. Although this is clearly mosquito reduction and not complete elimination, we can make a significant impact on the problem.
⦁ If you’re not completely satisfied with one of our mosquito control services, we will perform a re-treatment at no charge. One-time treatments are not under warranty.
Mosquito Prevention Tips
Identify and eliminate standing water/ breeding sites such as: clogged ditches, temporary pools and puddles, tree holes that hold water, old tires, buckets, potted plant trays and saucers, plastic covers, clogged gutters, bird baths, pet water bowls, or any other area or item on your property that collects water. Drain all items or containers that can hold water weekly.
Use insect repellent when going outdoors containing Deet. Cover bare skin (especially around ankles) with light colored – loose fitting clothing. Screen open windows and doors. Avoid being outdoors at dawn and dusk as well as traveling to affected areas (especially pregnant women).